Jam Making and Food Dehydrating Workshop – Ms. B’s Quilting

Preserve the Taste of Summer 101

An introductory course and hands-on workshops offer you the opportunity to learn safe food preservation techniques.

Preserve the Taste of Summer Workshops

Love that fresh garden produce but have more than you can eat? Preserve it! It’s not difficult, but you do need to follow safe methods. You’ll learn how to can, freeze, and dry foods safely at home in this introductory course.

Preserving your own foods can be a lot quicker and easier than you might think. It’s a great way to have delicious, local food all year long. Four hands-on workshops offer you the opportunity to learn safe food preservation techniques.

Jam Making and Food Dehydrating Workshop offered by ISU Extension and Outreach

Learn all the basics of water bath canning, making jam and dehydrating food at a Food Preservation Workshop on Monday April 29th from 5:00PM-9:00PM.  The workshop will be held at Ms. B’s Quilting and is part of  Iowa State University Extension and Outreach’s Preserve the Taste of Summer program. Jill Weber, a human sciences specialist in food and health with ISU Extension and Outreach, will lead the workshop. During the hands-on workshop, participants will:

•Learn the basics of water bath canning and dehydration

•Hear the most up-to-date recommendations

•Make and can jam

•Sample home dehydrated foods

•Take home and enjoy a jar of jam that they canned

“These workshops are fun and helpful for beginning canners as well as experienced canners,” said Weber. “We will provide the most up-to-date science and guidelines for water bath canning.” A past participant reported, “I would never have attempted home canning before Preserve the Taste of Summer. Now I know how to do it correctly and will attempt home canning.”  The workshop is sponsored by Allamakee County Extension and Outreach. Participants can register for the workshop at https://go.iastate.edu/JBWLFD .

To learn more or to ask questions, contact Lana Dahlstrom at 563-568-6345 or dahlstro@iastate.edu.


Apr 29 2024


5:00 pm - 9:00 pm



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