6th Annual 5K & 10K Trail Run/Walk & Half-marathon – Yellow River State Forest

Trail run Mother’s Day Weekend!
Friends of Yellow River State Forest will be holding their Sixth Annual 5K and 10K Trail Run/Walk and Half-marathon on Saturday, May 10, in the State Forest.  Again this year there will be an additional family-friendly, fast and flat 5K on Friday night, May 9.

Get yourself registered at:

**Online registration closes at 11:59 on May 6, but walk-ins are welcome. Walk-ins/ same day registration will not receive a shirt.
**Prices will increase $5 on April 1. These prices are for registrations that take place before April 1.
Friday, May 9, registration 5:30 p.m., 5K at 6:30 p.m. Cost $35
Saturday, May 10, registration 7:00 a.m., 5K at 8:10 a.m. Cost $35
Saturday, May 10, registration 7:00 a.m., 10K at 8 a.m. Cost $45
Saturday, May 10, registration 6:30 a.m., half-marathon 7 a.m.  Cost $55
Also offered again this year, the “Dirty Double”:
Friday night run plus 5K on Saturday cost $65
Friday night run plus 10K on Saturday cost $70
Friday night run plus half-marathon on Saturday cost $75
Dirty Double participants also get one of our coveted hand-crafted race mugs!
All ages are welcome, children must be accompanied by a registered adult. Children over the age of 12 must be registered. The Friday night 5K will be family-friendly, but there may be some steps so strollers are not recommended.
Races will be timed again this year!
Check in will take place at 737 State Forest Rd, Harpers Ferry IA.

Are you interested in being a sponsor for this race? Sponsorship levels are as follows:
Oak:  $500 or more—you receive your logo on participants’ t-shirts, four race entries, and  promotion on Facebook page
Sapling:  $300-$499—you receive your logo on participants’ t-shirts, two race entries, and promotion on Facebook page
Sprout:  $1-$299—you receive your logo on participants’ t-shirts and promotion on Facebook page
If you would like to be a sponsor please email hilltop@acegroup.cc .


May 09 2025


5:30 pm


Yellow River State Forest
729 State Forest Rd, Harpers Ferry, IA 52146


Friends of Yellow River State Forest
Friends of YRSF